Friday, March 9, 2007

Alert the press, I've updated!

So much has happened since I last updated, I'm a little dumbfounded on where to start! First, and most exciting, I moved! I now live in a grown-up apartment. I love my new place! It's just so BIG! My grown-up bedroom set looks fantastic in it. Now I just need grown-up living room and dining room furniture and I'll be set!

Second, I met a boy. I resisted said boy for a good month before I finally gave in to liking him. What changed, you ask? Well, I saw his bathroom. Yes, that's right, his bathroom. It was clean. No gross boy areas, everything matched, there was art on the walls, and most importantly, toilet paper was available! After noting this, I decided I could give said boy a chance. So after seeing the bathroom, I walked into his bedroom. And low and behold, it was clean, everything matched, there was tons of art displayed, and, thankfully, no toilet paper here. I was hooked! So here are the stats on my boy. He's a communication design major at Texas State University. He works at a bank when he's not in class. He is constantly working on one project or another for one of his art classes. (And yes, the art in his apartment is his own work) He is a junior and a half, and probably has 1 1/2 - 2 years left until he graduates. He is commited and focused on his classes and graduating. He is tall and adorable and honestly gives the best hugs in the whole entire world. There is a slight possibility that this just might be a biased oppinion. :)