Monday, January 8, 2007

Getting out there...

I am proud to say that I've already started working on my personal goals for 2007. I went downtown with my work boyfriend yesterday. We went to this really awesome steakhouse on 6th called Ruth Chris. I think that was the best steak I've ever had. We did some wine tasting while we were there, and I drank almost an entire glass of wine. Hey, don't judge, those glasses were as big as my face!

I did, however, pass up the perfect picture taking night tonight. I kept reminding myself to bring my camera to Dedication Dinner, but it seems I'm not very good at minding me. We ate at Mike's El Ranchero on South Lamar. The food was pretty good, the place was well decorated, and the staff working that night were great. There were one or two hot guys running around the place, and this is where I miss my camera the most! Oh well, I'm two for three attempted so far. At least that's positive odds!

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