Saturday, December 30, 2006

Christmas Traditions

Every family has their own Christmas traditions. This year, we broke away from the same-old everyday turkey and ham Christmas dinners and opted for a Christmas brunch on Christmas Eve Day. We had breakfast burritos with lots of salsa, a spinich and mushroom quiche, three different breakfast cassaroles, pigs in a blanket, and my personal favorite, mimosas! We had family there spaning four generations. Needless to say, we represented East Texas well, with our front yard looking like a used car lot. The only thing missing were those multi-colored penant flags and the annoying salesman. (Something to strive for next year!) But I think we forged a new Christmas tradition this year. The mimosas just put everyone in the Christmas spirit!

My two little second cousins, Laney (2) and Koryn (4), acted as Santa's little helpers when it came time to pass out the gifts. That, (and these adorable little aprons mom got for them), earned them the privilege of helping Granny make the Christmas cookies this year. This is one Christmas tradition that I hope never goes away. I think they ate more cookie dough than was left to make cookies!

Rusty and I really enjoyed the cookies! Aren't we the cutest brother and sister you ever did see?

So here's to Christmas traditions! May every year bring such fun memories, wonderful food and the best family I could hope for.
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