Monday, December 11, 2006

Everyone eventually bats out of a slump

I'm definately in a slump right now. Not a life slump, just a dating slump. I'm actually really happy right now. Finally. It took me a while to get there, but I have arrived. I have great friends, a good job, the prospect of owning my own business if I choose, the ability to pack up and move to New York if I want. I only have to make up my mind and follow it, and I don't have a deadline to rush me. I realized this past week that I am in a great place in life. (Thanks, roomie-sister!)

Now, about this dating slump. Most often, the best way out of a slump is to approach the problem from a different angle. Well, as the only angle I've used thus far has been to do next to nothing, finding a new perspective shouldn't be extremely difficult. My plan is to actually be a girl. (Surprised!?) I have actually been attracting attention since I started wearing makeup and fixing my hair and just generally caring about my appearance. I know, I know.... you've been telling me that for year(s). But I'm finally believing it. And I love it. So, I'm going to schedule an appointment to get my hair done. Not too short, but flirty and sassy. Maybe lighten my natural strawberry blonde color and add some copper and blonde highlights. Then I'm going shopping for some cute heels and a killer new outfit. Yes, I said killer...I'm going to stop those boys in their tracks! Then I'm going out to a nice club/bar/somewhere that would attract a more mature clientel than the typical college frat hangout, (not that the bar is set high with that qualifier). Or perhaps I'll just go to that college frat hangout and show them what they have to look forward to. Wish you were here to share in my plans and guide me around town, or I were there explore the windy city with you. But we'll coordinate on that when Brad comes to visit!


lesli said...

go girl!!! love the new you, love the old you, but as always - am so happy for you! can't wait to kick again in austin, cali style! woot!

lesli said...

someone needs to update!!!!!!!!!!