Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Life is like......baseball

So I watched this new show on TBS tonight called My Boys. Its about this girl who has no problem hangin' out with the boys, but dating them....well, that's another story. She meets this guy and things start out going great. Then, not so much. I can completely relate. I think I'm gonna like this show. Anyway, she talks about how all life is comparable to baseball. I like that show even more. :)

You know what I like about baseball? Well, all sports. The rules. You know what to expect. Three stirkes and you're out. Four tries to move the ball ten yards. You know what is expected of you. Protect the pocket so the quarterback can hurl the ball down the field. Always keep your eye on the ball. Even the unwritten rules are respected in sports. Things like sportsmanlike conduct and respecting the game. Why can't dating have rules like these? When you go out with someone and you say "We'll have to do this again," you should be required to 'do this again.' When a shy girl (that would be me) calls and texts you, you return the favor with a drink or two, simply out of appreciation of my very out of character boldness. Well, that and because a very cute, intellegent, sweet, and sexy psuedo-redhead called and texted you. At the very least, you call her once in a while. Not text everything, but actually use the phone for spoken words, you know, to use those minutes you pay for every month. Yes, dating is in dire need of a rule book, and possibly an umpire as well. The jury is still out on the umpire, though, as there are certain areas of dating that I'd just as soon a third party were not priviledged to. But that's a blog for another day. :) First, I'd just like to go on a real date. Is that really too much to ask?

ps - please excuse this 'pity me' post. I just had to get this out of my system.....again.....

Friday, November 24, 2006

The beginning of new Thanksgiving traditions

Well, my Thanksgiving turkey experiment was a success! I now know how to cook a turkey, just don't ask me to make another one for another year or so. This one will probably last me for a few weeks at least! I'm gonna be having lots of turkey sandwiches with leftover stuffing. Yummy :)

Another part of my Thanksgiving tradition is watching the Texas/Texas A&M football rivalry game. Poor Colt McCoy and his injured shoulder took some uncalled for hits. As he was taken off the field on a stretcher, he raised his left arm to the crowd and his team. He's such a good player and leader on that team, and only a freshman! Too bad he's so young.....he's really cute! My theory is that the Aggies needed to win to keep their spirits up and the rivalry going. :) They hadn't won against us in six years (I think). Ok, so I'm just trying to comfort myself. I'm way too competitive at times, and I don't like my team loosing. Next year, though, we're gonna win!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I'm attempting to cook a turkey for Thanksgiving. We'll probably end up ordering a pizza.

I have to admit, the pressure of cooking an entire bird is a daunting feat, even if it is the smallest bird recorded in known history. And what is this tenting of the turkey with aluminum foil? Why can't it just cook....you know, like a chicken? Thank goodness stuffing is really easy to make, and the dessert is a yummy cheesecake. It doesn't get any easier than a cheesecake! Or tastier. :)

I even cleaned my apartment for this holiday dinner thing. Not that I live in a pigsty, but I've been busy lately and the laundry and dishes and the need to vaccuum have just kinda piled up. I spent approximately 5 hours cleaning my apartment today. Ok, so that includes eating and repotting a few plants outside and just being slow and lazy in general, but still, 5 hours!

I'm picking up my best friend from the airport in 10 hours! I am super excited! Eric is in the Navy and stationed in Hawaii, so needless to say, I haven't seen him in a little while. I can't wait! I hope he won't be too disapionted if our main course ends up being pizza rolls. I'm seriously nervous about the cooking of the turkey. I had my mom on the phone in between her flights, (she's a flight attendant) trying to figure out what to cook it in, what seasonings to use, how long to leave it in the oven for....every question I could think of. I'm so thankful that I have such a patient mother! Now if I could only talk her into driving here and cooking the turkey for me, I'd be set. I guess this is one of life's lessons - test tomorrow in Holiday Cooking 101. Wish me luck!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Its the little things...

I feel like I'm on top of the world! OK, maybe not on top of the entire world, but definitely a hill or small mountain. He texted me back! Finally. See, I told you it wasn't the entire world. :) I have this totally huge crush on this cute country boy, and he texted me. And he's Irish, of the dark haired, tan and sexy variety. Does it get any better!? I've been trying to figure out a way to see him again, and get a picture of him. I'm hopelessly out of my mind! But, somehow, knowing that doesn't bother me a bit.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Grand Blogging!

Welcome to my new blog! I will warn you now that I am a very sarcastic person, prone to bouts of mindless rambling in which the english language frequently eludes me. Just so you know. :) So, here is my plan for this blog. I vow to frequently share the stories and anecdotes that present themselves as I follow my nose in my continual pursuit of happines. I promise to actually use my digital camera and perhaps even put some of them on here, instead of just leaving them on the camera, forever frozen in the mysterious void. OK, that's enough of the vows and promises that I will probably inadvertently break anyway. So, if anyone actually reads this and knows how to change the colors and make it a little more me, please let me know!

And now, for the moment we all have been waiting for, well, me anyway - the posting of the first blog. Happy Grand Blogging!

p.s. my jokes are somewhat lacking, but humor me anyway! :)