Sunday, November 19, 2006

Grand Blogging!

Welcome to my new blog! I will warn you now that I am a very sarcastic person, prone to bouts of mindless rambling in which the english language frequently eludes me. Just so you know. :) So, here is my plan for this blog. I vow to frequently share the stories and anecdotes that present themselves as I follow my nose in my continual pursuit of happines. I promise to actually use my digital camera and perhaps even put some of them on here, instead of just leaving them on the camera, forever frozen in the mysterious void. OK, that's enough of the vows and promises that I will probably inadvertently break anyway. So, if anyone actually reads this and knows how to change the colors and make it a little more me, please let me know!

And now, for the moment we all have been waiting for, well, me anyway - the posting of the first blog. Happy Grand Blogging!

p.s. my jokes are somewhat lacking, but humor me anyway! :)

1 comment:

elle said...

sister!! welcome!!! i can help you spruce up your blog!! perhaps we can work on it in california.....waaaaa hooo!!!!! love you girl!!