Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I'm attempting to cook a turkey for Thanksgiving. We'll probably end up ordering a pizza.

I have to admit, the pressure of cooking an entire bird is a daunting feat, even if it is the smallest bird recorded in known history. And what is this tenting of the turkey with aluminum foil? Why can't it just know, like a chicken? Thank goodness stuffing is really easy to make, and the dessert is a yummy cheesecake. It doesn't get any easier than a cheesecake! Or tastier. :)

I even cleaned my apartment for this holiday dinner thing. Not that I live in a pigsty, but I've been busy lately and the laundry and dishes and the need to vaccuum have just kinda piled up. I spent approximately 5 hours cleaning my apartment today. Ok, so that includes eating and repotting a few plants outside and just being slow and lazy in general, but still, 5 hours!

I'm picking up my best friend from the airport in 10 hours! I am super excited! Eric is in the Navy and stationed in Hawaii, so needless to say, I haven't seen him in a little while. I can't wait! I hope he won't be too disapionted if our main course ends up being pizza rolls. I'm seriously nervous about the cooking of the turkey. I had my mom on the phone in between her flights, (she's a flight attendant) trying to figure out what to cook it in, what seasonings to use, how long to leave it in the oven for....every question I could think of. I'm so thankful that I have such a patient mother! Now if I could only talk her into driving here and cooking the turkey for me, I'd be set. I guess this is one of life's lessons - test tomorrow in Holiday Cooking 101. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

lesli said...

can't wait to hear how all this turns out! the cooking...the boy!!! very exciting!!! heart you!